Friday, December 19, 2008

Mamma Mia

We let Morgan and Jacob watch Mamma Mia with us and the kids decided to dance to the music at the ending credits. Here's a video of their 'dance party'.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Morgan had her very first school concert. It was exciting for her parents and her brother. Morgan had fun and was very proud of herself afterwords.

Morgan had her first Christmas school concert

Morgan with her Snowflake group waiting for their turn

Morgan was a snowflake -second one from the left
Morgan came to say hi to mom and her sister Gabby after her concert was over

Jacob wearing Morgans snowflake outfit wanting a turn on stage

The snowflakes little song

What a morning!

Ever have a day where you questioned getting up in the morning?

The day started rough. Gabby was exceptionally a mess this morning and she needed a bath right a way. She sung and cooed in the tub which was cute. Following that she was all wrapped up in her towel ready to get a new diaper and psssstt she decided to have the runs all down me. Then baby had to go to daddy so mommy could get cleaned and redressed.

During that time, Jacob which had a run explosion since he had milk with his dinner last night (Lactose intolerant). Then off to the shower with him.

During that time, Walter the puppy left a nice poopy present under the tree, on the tree skirt and daddy had to clean it up which resulted it all over his hands.

Today is turning out to be a poopy type of day -hopefully better later.

Ever thought you should write a book on the daily family events? I think ours would be a great movie with Steve Martin starring in it. hehe.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Life may be hectic but it is all worth it

Family is one of the most important things in life. The daily challenges are easier to handle when you have your family nearby.

The challenges here consist of getting up and feeding kids, giving Gabby a bottle and do a complete change since she wet through overnight. Take Scooby outside and feed the puppy. Get the kids dressed and load the dishwasher and washing machine. Then I can think about getting my coffee and a smoke and check my e-mail. Following I get a chance to shower and change myself. By then, it is about 9am. Then one has to repeat for lunch and get Morgan ready for school. It is hectic but also very worth every crazy moment because it's my family. I also enjoy the time I get to talk with my mom on the phone, it perks me back up.

To add to the list I get to go back to work on the 26th. The big question is how is Ron going to be able to do all of that by himself? Now it takes both of us and we are running in every direction. I have to admit if anyone can do it, it's Ron.

So, even though our lives are more than busy we still have a chance to stand back and look and see it is all worth every moment because we are blessed with a great family!

Meet more of the family

My parents with Gabby

My sister Melinda with her lil son Ian. TJ our brother in the background.
Our Aunt Angie

Tony holding Ian and Jacob and my sister, Melinda with Gabby
Ron's Dad Raoul with Gabby

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Meet some of the family

Daddy (Ron) with Ian his nephew

Momma Melissa with the younglings

Miss Punky -Paige

Little Miss Morgan

Little Man Stink- Jacob

Miss Crabby Gabby - PITA
Scooby the Boxer

Walter the Cockapoo (New Addition to the family)


This area will be an extension to Gabby's Page. That way we can include the whole family pictures. Family is very important to us.